Hell Revised Read online

  Hell Revised

  Dark Empire: Book 2


  Meraki P. Dark

  Hell Revised

  1. edition

  Copyright © 2020 Taboo BooxXx

  ISBN 13: 978-87-939660-1-7

  Cover design by KUDI-designs

  www. KUDI-design.com

  Edited by Laura McNellis


  Find more about the author


  All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced in any manner without written permission except in the case of brief quotations included in critical articles and reviews. For information, please contact the author.

  This book is a work of fiction.

  That means I made shit up. All of it.

  A sinister dark web niche for bored rich people with a depraved need to watch sexual decadences have put their money into a project to give them just that. High-end entertainment with lots of violence and lots of sex.

  The gladiators have three things in common: They’ve been kidnapped, pumped full of drugs to enhance their strength and stamina, and nobody would ever miss them. Except Duncan, who ended up strapped to a lab table as a result of mixed-up identities.

  Dr. Malcom had always known it was a risk whenever they kidnapped someone. He’d always known, yet the importance of his research took precedence. Just how dangerous it was to get Duncan Campbell onto his table turned out far worse than the doctor had imagined, though. He always knew there was something special about Duncan. The only question now was whether Dr. Malcom still believed that the research was worth it, considering he’d created his own monster.

  Duncan and Axel had looked forward to a wedding and a quiet life together. A mix up turned all that around, and their love and devotion are put to the ultimate test as Duncan has to fight his way out from a drug that makes him a danger to the man he loves. And everyone else for that matter. But some guys have it coming.


  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven

  Chapter Twelve

  Chapter Thirteen

  Chapter Fourteen

  Chapter Fifteen

  Dear Reader

  About the Author

  Chapter One

  Duncan sat on a chair, the residual sting from being belted and caned taking a distant second in his mind as he enjoyed the feel of Axel’s hand in his.

  After the shower, what resembled comatose sleep, and some food, Duncan was able to focus when listening to their side of it all. Holding Axel’s hand to his forehead and inhaling the scent of him made Duncan feel calm and grounded. Axel leaned his head on Duncan’s, slowly stroking his neck and back.

  It felt odd being dressed again. Well, he’d made it to a pair of briefs, but still.

  He’d been told about everything Axel had done to find him, how he’d called Tiny, and booked plane tickets. How they’d each dug deep into their networks to find the resources necessary. A Seal team and a dark web hacker was not what Duncan had ever expected.

  And here sat his beautiful geek, not seeming mad that Duncan had fucked Tim as soon as he’d been helped back to his cell as he’d demanded. And again, later that evening. And the next morning. Between fucking, he’d slept and healed. And those nanites did wonders!

  Duncan didn’t know why he needed it to be Tim and not the cunt. No, he knew why—he just didn’t want to admit it to himself now that his reason for becoming a better man sat with him again. He feared he’d rip the doctor apart from hate. He feared he’d have killed him. He’d survived so much and done so many bad things to survive the wait for his geek to come and rescue him, and he didn’t want to take that step and be a killer.

  He’d needed at least a bit of distance first.

  “This is amazing,” the Seal medic said.

  “You said that, Ully. About six times now,” Tiny said.

  “But look!” Ully pointed to Duncan with both arms. “He can sit!”

  “It still hurts,” Duncan mumbled.

  “You were all but opened up, and it’s been only twenty-four hours. Nanobots? I had no idea the research was that far along.”

  “Of course not.” Duncan sat back, not letting go of Axel’s hand. “This place is where Dr. Malcom Mengler in lack of a better surname, experiments with it. On us.”

  “He does research on others, too,” Tim said. “I’ve heard it. On the phone.”

  Duncan sat back further, looking at the ceiling. Nope, he was done staring at that fucking ceiling. Why did they even have to sit in the doctor’s office?

  “What does he research? Nanobots?” Ully asked.

  “And the serum,” Tim said.

  “I need to talk to him.” Ully walked to the door.

  “Wait with that.” Duncan looked at the clock. “It’s two-thirty. Give it half an hour, then the onset of withdrawal will be more evident. And this time, I’ll satisfy it on him since I can move freely again.”

  Tim whimpered.

  “Oh, you’ll come, and I’ll spank it out of you.”

  “I volunteer to help,” Hellhound said.

  Duncan looked at the man sitting behind the desk, looking like he felt at home in this fucked up place.

  “I just need to know more. You need to ridicule and dominate and exert power and force to fill these…” Hellhound picked up a file and glanced at it. “Receptors.” He tossed the file on the desk again and looked at Tim. “And you need all that done to you.”

  Tim moved to Duncan’s side, quickly, curling up by his leg, and holding onto it. Axel looked hurt by it, and Duncan squeezed his hand.

  “I promise, Tim, I won’t leave you hanging. I need to talk to Axel for a moment, though.”

  Tim nodded, but he looked lost. “Should I leave? Please, don’t leave me alone in here.” His gaze involuntarily cut to Hellhound, and Duncan could see why the boy feared him.

  “Nothing will happen to you, little man, trust in that,” Tiny growled. “I’ll make sure of that.”

  “He really will. He’s my best friend,” Duncan said.

  Tim nodded, then curled up on himself, staying on the floor. It physically hurt to see how someone could become so damaged.

  Duncan stood and led Axel from the room. “He was the first they forced me to hurt.”

  “And you do what you do best. Protect. I get it. I hate it, but…I can’t hate you for doing what I fell in love with you for. Your ability to make me feel safe and calm and…” Axel stepped into Duncan, who quickly wrapped his arms around him, rocking him gently. “Even now, in this place.”

  “I never wanted you to see me like this. It became my greatest fear.”

  Axel looked up, his eyes brimming with tears. “But it isn’t over. I can’t take you home yet because of what they did, but I sure as shit won’t leave you to fight this alone. Does that mean you fuck someone else? Sure. I hate it, but that isn’t you, that’s the…incubus they made. And you’re willing to hurt that boy because he needs it.”

  Duncan snorted, shaking his head at how surreal that conversation was. “It’s so fucked up.”

  “Yeah!” Axel shook his head, looking like he felt exactly like Duncan. “But then you hold him and tell him it’s over. You bring him into a safe place and you…” Axel pulled a face. “And you don’t apologize.”

  “He made me stop doing that. He says it’s not me doing it. He doesn’t want to be what the serum makes him, but he was used and abused when not in withdrawal, too, making hi
m a lot more hurt.” Duncan pointed to his head. “Broken. But if I apologize and thus take responsibility for the incubus side, then he feels like he can’t separate himself from the sub the drug makes him into. So we developed clear lines. And words to differentiate.”

  “Done. He shouted done in the arena, and then you stopped.”

  Duncan pulled back and covered his face in horror. “Oh, God, you saw that?”

  “Yes. And then we kidnapped the rich dude who paid the entry to watch it.”

  His hands dropped, and Duncan snorted. He had trouble seeing his sweet geek doing stuff like that. Apparently, the horrors that he’d experienced pushed at more than him. Why else would Axel piss away his pride and joy and risk his hard-earned reputation to save him?

  Because he loved Duncan, and he felt a bit more secure in the fact that their relationship could survive what lay ahead. And he felt so fucking rich.

  “Don’t watch when I do these things, please?”

  “But it’s not you, Duncan, you just said that.”

  “I…I can. That’s what I don’t want you to watch. That’s…I came here to revisit a past side of myself. One I’ve worked very hard on burying. But I need you to know this before I could ever marry you. I…”

  “Duncan, is it worse than any of this?”

  Duncan drew a deep, shuddering breath. “Yes.”

  “Tell me, please.”

  “I was responsible for a boy’s death. I bullied him. I exerted power and dominance, and the kid was so…gullible, and he wanted to hang with me and Tommy. We spun him along, enjoying having someone to tease, and he was a simple mind, but…then one day, he took up our ridiculous challenges, and he couldn’t make it. No one could. It was stupid. It was ruled an accident.”

  Axel cocked his head, his gaze filling with sorrow.

  “Tommy and I kinda spiraled down for a while. Grades dropping, skipping school, smoking pot. But then my mom got a new job, and we moved. Fresh start she’d called it. So, I decided I’d never be the bully again, and I’d be a better man.”

  “And you are.”

  “Axel, look at what I can do in here! It’s me! That drug may have twisted it into something sexual, but all that horrible shit I say and do, I can do that without being in withdrawal.”

  “Well, surprise, baby, but this place will get the worst out in anybody!” Axel pulled back to square off, and it was always funny when the slight man did that, but Duncan respected whenever he did. Axel poked a finger at Duncan’s chest. “Who you are outside this place is the man you are as much as the man you need to be to survive a hellhole like this! Don’t you dare apologize for being strong enough for that, because I need you to keep fighting this so we can go home, and you can be the kind man who cares about everybody again!” Axel’s chin wobbled. “I can’t fight for both of us if you won’t try.”

  Duncan pulled Axel back into the embrace, feeling him struggle in his impotent rage. “I’ll fight, but I hate the thought of you seeing it. Seeing who I once was. Under the serum, I don’t care, I know that’s fucked up, but…when I’m not under it and still do shit, then…”

  “Then it’s you using all of your experience to see this through. To end it.” Axel sounded certain of it, and Duncan felt warm to the core, hoping Axel’s conviction would last. “And I need to know it all so I can support you.” Axel pulled back to look up at him. “Tiny and Jonah explained that. Considering their past, I believe them. And you didn’t scare me in the arena.”

  “That’s a lie. You do that thing with your nose.”

  Axel snorted, then grinned. “Your new cock scares me.”

  “The Franken Cock. Me, too. But you feared me when you saw me in the arena.”

  “Yes. Past tense. I won’t be afraid anymore unless I end up alone with you in withdrawal.”

  “That won’t happen, and you’ll have a stun gun on you at all times. In fact…” Duncan grabbed his hand and pulled him back toward the office. “Let’s go get one.”

  “I won’t stun you!” Axel pulled his hand free, making Duncan stop.

  “Not me, baby, the incubus.”

  “Okay, but…how are you going to help Tim if you take out that hunger on the cunt?”

  Duncan thought for a moment. “I need to keep him safe. I need to give him what he needs since I know first-hand that being left in withdrawal is so much worse. I can even do it when not in withdrawal, and that’s where I fear you’ll misunderstand. I have no romantic feelings for him, but affection in this place is…and he’s been here for two years. I’m the first to show him any kindness, and I feel…”

  “Responsible and protective. And that’s what I love about you. I’ll try to be his friend. If he’ll let me.”

  Duncan smiled, so very grateful for the man he had. He caressed Axel’s cheek, then leaned in for a kiss simply because he could, sighing contently as Axel deepened it and stepped closer.

  Then Duncan’s cock rose, making him pull back with an angry growl.

  “What?” Axel asked, looking dumfounded.

  “This monster of a cock is a true opportunist.”

  Axel sputtered laughter. “At least I can see in your eyes that you’re you.”

  Duncan gasped as Axel grabbed the eager member, praying the incubus serum wouldn’t take over. “What time is it, baby? You need the stun gun. Or Tiny. Fuck it. He’s not strong enough to overpower the nanobots.”

  “Shut up and enjoy me.”

  Duncan closed his eyes, focusing on the man touching him. But Axel just traded places with Tim, and Duncan gasped and removed his hand. “I’m afraid.”

  Axel looked like he hadn’t expected anything less, and Duncan didn’t know whether to feel pleased by that or ashamed.

  “We’ll get there, baby.” Axel pressed himself against Duncan. “Feed it, take care of Tim, then shower and come cuddle with me. That’s what we’ll have. And that will be enough for me until we have this resolved.”

  Duncan tried to process it. “How can it be enough? We had such a healthy sex life.”

  “Yes, we did. Because you made me feel safe. You’re not the only one holding a secret.”

  Duncan began to shake as he saw an old ghost cloud his lover’s eyes. “Someone hurt you?”

  “Kinda.” Axel gnawed his lip for a moment, thinking. “It’s nothing big. I mean…you made it irrelevant the first time you held me. You chased that bad experience and fear of a repeat right out the window when you just held me.” Duncan growled. “It was college and we were drunk, and signals got mixed.” Axel shrugged. “And he was stronger. I didn’t really say no. Or yes. I was…confused and overwhelmed. Insecure. The latter is the important part. You never left room for that. You just…protected me.”

  Duncan pulled Axel closer, loving the feel of him in his arms. And the scent of him. That unique scent that made him feel mellow to the core.

  “Tim needs that. Even after you take care of his withdrawal.”

  “You won’t feel jealous?”

  Axel pulled back. “It hurts seeing you so tentative to his needs when I have needs to be with you, too, but I get it. The only way I can gain your complete attention is…I don’t know…offering Tim mine? To free yours?”

  Duncan felt like shit hearing that. “It should never be a contest.”

  “These aren’t regular circumstances, baby. I can’t even begin to imagine what you’ve been through, but do you wanna know who put some words to it? Hellhound.”

  “The dead fish?”

  “Yeah, those eyes are kinda dead. But he explained war. Bonds made in war. That’s what they are, you know. Tiny activated a phone tree, and within two days, nine Seals were gathered with a kidnapped millionaire that Tiny helped waterboard to get your location. It’s not love. It’s loyalty you feel. I don’t have the life experience to understand it outside Zero taking the fall back in college for a busted hack we did, but I will respect it when men like Tiny explain it to me. And I know you. Now I know what you fear. The dead boy. The man
you were. I want to be your future, and to be that, I need to share your past, or I can never be the safe haven you need.”

  Duncan’s eyes stung, and his chaotic emotions set course for the safe-haven his geek promised. “Jesus, baby,” Duncan whispered.

  “Just promise me you’ll share your thoughts and feelings. I need to know. I might not understand, but I need that much to work with to at least work with it.”

  “I promise,” Duncan said, still hating the idea of Axel watching him do terrible things. But if that at least let him into the promised safe haven, he’d battle that storm to get there. Duncan’s balls felt fuller. “Go get that stun gun.”

  “Right now!” Axel let go and dashed off, leaving Duncan to wonder whether the chemically induced hunger had already made it to his eyes or if Axel just knew him that well.

  Duncan decided to stay in the hallway, which was probably a good thing since his mind had begun to focus on which position that he wanted his cunt in.

  Tiny and Ully stepped into the hallway, both armed with a stun gun.

  “Get me to my cunt,” Duncan growled. “And bring Tim and Hellhound. That hole will be in need, soon.” Tiny looked sad at the announcement, but he went back into the office. “Where’s the cunt? Where did you leave him?”

  “In the room we found you in,” Ully said.

  “And the others?”

  “We locked them into smaller rooms we found in the basement. Are you aware you’re doing that?” Ully pointed, directing Duncan’s attention to the fact that he was stroking his cock through his shorts.

  “No one else is stepping up to rub it.”

  Ully nodded, gnawing his lip. “So no.”

  Tiny returned with Tim, Hellhound, and, to Duncan’s horror, Axel. Duncan waved Tim to him and put his hand on his back to lead the way. Tim needed his closeness, that much was obvious. His body language was either that of a meek and timid dog who knew only beatings, but his gaze gave away whether he felt secure or frightened. Or whether he was slipping into withdrawal.