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Hell Revised Page 2

  Duncan went into the room where someone had secured Dr. Malcom to a wall by the chains the man himself had once installed to be used on someone else. “Hello, Cunt. Seeing as you never gave yourself a bio upgrade, then get to working that cunt open so I can fuck it more than once.” Duncan tossed him a jar of lube, and the man set about fulfilling that order at once. “While you do that, explain how to reverse what you’ve done.”

  “I hope you mean the serum because your cock will never shrink.” Dr. Malcom pointed at Duncan’s cock, once again being stroked unconsciously, but this time freed from the confining fabric of the briefs.

  “Serum,” Ully said. “It fuels receptors in the body and brain, but what did it enhance to make those receptors that hungry?”

  “It’s not merely an enhancement. It’s…there’s a permanent amount now.”

  The fact that Duncan was more interested in fantasizing about what went on in the ass end told him he was slipping under, soon. But he understood that this was bad news.

  “Are you saying we can’t be cured?”

  “I’m saying you’ll never go back to being completely like before. It might be possible to lessen the withdrawals, but you’ll always need sex and lots of it.” Dr. Malcom pointed at Tim. “Or, in his case, to be taken and used.”

  Duncan growled, but he was interrupted by Tim coming to stand next to him, unpacking a condom. “What’s that?”

  “Since he doesn’t prepare for hunger times, I would prefer you had this on and took it off before you plow me.” Tim fumbled the condom.

  Duncan was slipping further because all he heard was his cock not being fully stimulated.

  “Wear the fucking condom!” Tiny said.

  “He’s slipping into withdrawal.” Axel leaned forward a bit, looking at Duncan’s eyes.

  Duncan missed that ass.

  “You guys did manage to remember he’s strong enough to take even the big guy there out now, right?” Dr. Malcom asked.

  Tiny had that stupidly stubborn look.

  Then someone touched his cock, and Duncan turned his attention onto Tim, who rolled on the condom using his mouth. Oh, sweet stimulation. Suddenly, Tim popped off and looked up at Duncan, his eyes nowhere near withdrawal. “Go get your cunt,” he whispered.

  But that prospect was so sweet, that Duncan smiled at him, then turned his full attention on Dr. Malcom.

  The man looked afraid, yet like he’d accepted the situation. It confused Duncan, but it didn’t overshadow the need to fuck and come. Dr. Malcom had already shuffled out of his pants, and as Duncan advanced on him, he turned around on all fours.

  Duncan grabbed his hips and walked backward with the man lifted from the ground until the chains held his arms taut. He then placed the doctor flat on his stomach and coated his cock, hating the feel of the condom.

  But he wanted to slip in there, and he needed to focus on not ripping him apart. He’d break, and Duncan needed him. That was the whole reason for doing the penetration before withdrawal set in, fully.

  Duncan positioned himself, then pushed in, the breach making Dr. Malcom jerk and grunt in pain. “Told you I’d get that cunt, but you thought I was just a pimp with a drug debt and not have a network like this.”

  “Why didn’t you tell me?”

  “Because you didn’t seem like a guy too happy to let this be the outcome of having taken someone who’d be missed. I expected you to kill me and dump me somewhere to lead attention away from your little lab of horrors, here.”

  “Reasonable deduction,” Dr. Malcom grunted.

  Duncan bottomed out, and sure he hadn’t hurt anything physically in Cunt, so he set a pace, feeling the need settling over him and taking full control.

  Dr. Malcom gripped the chains holding him taut, and whimpered every time Duncan bore in. Considering it was a first he had a cock this size up his one-way-street of an ass, Duncan was surprised he fit.

  “Did you really think you’d never get caught?” Duncan asked.

  “Of course not,” Cunt mumbled.

  “Was it worth it? This pain you’re in now?”

  “Yes,” Cunt sneered.

  The answer surprised Duncan, and he stopped, breathing heavily. “Oh, do tell why that is.” But he needed the friction, so he tried to go as slow as necessary for the man to answer.

  “I’ll tell you. I have every intention of telling you. But get those receptors full so you can focus.” With that, Cunt pushed his ass back against Duncan’s pelvis a few times, scrunching up his face as he did.

  Duncan chuckled, loving that idea. So he set the hard pace he needed to get off quickly. Cunt cried out more and more as the intensity rose from being rammed by the fat cock that he’d helped make himself.

  “You might want to consider nanobodies to keep your cunt ready for me because I’m going to keep you and take my pleasure from it from now on.”

  Dr. Malcom didn’t respond—he merely rode out the storm of pain that he’d helped create, and Duncan took what he needed to get off, fast.

  “Oh, yeah, that cunt’s getting way more!”

  “When you have time, Duncan, you have a hole here who’s asking for pain,” Hellhound said.

  Duncan turned around to find his fuck toy clinging onto Hellhound’s leg, shaking and whimpering. Yeah, a good tight ass would get him off hard next round, so Duncan picked up the pace in his cunt and found his pleasure minutes later. He then got up and stalked to the next hole up.

  “Take that off!” Hellhound said, pointing to Duncan’s crotch.

  “Don’t tell me what to do with my cock! And get away from my hole!” But something was irritating his cock, so Duncan did on his way to Tim, tossing the used condom on the ground and got Tim into position. His ass was glistening, and the need to feel that ass around his cock surged through him, making him whimper. But only for a second. Then he felt the muscle give way, and he sheathed himself fully in one thrust, lying down on the slighter body to keep it in place so that he could take what he wanted, not caring that the hole screamed out for him to stop and that it hurt.

  “I want a tight ass, that’s what you are, Hole. Mine and for my cock!”

  Duncan found his next release in brutal thrusts, pinning the boy to the floor. And finally, his balls got the release they needed.

  While Duncan surfaced from withdrawal, Tim wasn’t out of it, and he writhed on the floor.

  “Please, don’t stop hurting my ass. Make it hurt. Make me scream from it. I deserve that.”

  It was time to be an asshole, which was difficult when surfacing. But less difficult than it had been, and that detail was the most difficult to swallow.

  “But you just screamed for me to stop. Don’t ever tell me to stop fucking that hole. It’s what you are!” Duncan grabbed Tim and hauled him across his lap and spanked him. “It’s mine!”

  Tim howled and kicked, while Duncan battered his ass with his hand, then suddenly screamed “Done.”

  Duncan immediately stopped spanking him and pulled him up to sit in his lap, holding him close and rocking him. He gently shushed him, stroking his body. “It’s over. It’s done…you’re bleeding.”

  “I don’t care. It’ll stop soon.”

  Wait, Dr. Malcom had said getting raped by Duncan was worth it.

  Duncan looked at the man who’d somewhat composed of himself and managed to get back into his pants. At least Duncan hadn’t ripped him the way he had Tim.

  Axel came to sit next to them, and Duncan groaned, closing his eyes. He’d completely forgotten he was there to see and hear that. “You guys okay?”

  “As well as can be expected, I guess,” Duncan said, still trying for a smile.

  “I should look at that,” Ulla said, pointing to Tim’s ass.

  “No,” Tim said, sullenly. “It’ll stop in a minute. I’ll stop hurting in fifteen or so.”

  Ully looked amazed.

  “What do you guys need?” Tiny asked.

  “A shower, food, and to talk to Dr. Malcom.” Duncan stood, keeping Tim close. “What about you, Tim?”

  “All but the latter.” He looked up at Duncan, something bright sparking in his eyes. “Can I cook? I like cooking.”

  Duncan grinned. “Of course, you can. You’re free now. But…we’re still a slave of the drug.”

  Hope and fear mixed in the boy’s eyes. “We’ll help each other, right?”

  “Of course, we will.”

  “And Duncan never makes promises he doesn’t keep,” Axel said, smiling affectionately at Duncan. “And I’ll be right here for both of you.”

  “Thank you,” Tim said. “I didn’t think people like you existed.”

  Axel smiled, looking proud. “And that’s what fuckers like Dr. Malcom rely on.”

  “Tiny, would you take Dr. Malcom to the shower room, too?”

  “Sure.” Tiny went to get Dr. Malcom, and Duncan steered Tim from the room, keeping his arm around the boy’s shoulders.

  Axel took Duncan’s hand, apparently also wanting some physical contact.

  “Please wait until I’m…clean,” Duncan said, glancing at his lover to see if he felt brushed aside. He didn’t. He looked sad on behalf of Duncan’s feelings.

  Chapter Two

  Malcom hadn’t felt pain in his ass that bad for years. He’d always known his luck would run out at some point, and he’d always feared it would be one of the gladiators getting to him. With Duncan suddenly in charge, and the Seals taking their cues from him and his best friend, Malcom didn’t know what to expect.

  God, that big black man was gorgeous. For the Colosseum, that was.

  But that wasn’t going to happen. Malcom still hadn’t learned how many of their security had been taken down, but with almost an entire Seal team and two hackers of that level, he did
n’t expect a lot to have been left for chance. And they’d had more than a month of preparation while Malcom had been too focused on his research and this vexing man of natural power and dominance calling him a cunt from day one.

  Malcom knew that it was his liking to the man that had kept him blind. God help him, he liked that man. Not in a romantic way, but the man. He was…an enigma and powerful like a force of nature, and now Malcom knew some of why that was.

  He even figured that the only reason he hadn’t been beaten to a bloody pulp as he’d been doing to Duncan was because of the man Duncan was. His boyfriend certainly looked like he wanted to commit murder every time he looked his way.

  Yet he was left to wash up while Duncan showed off his impressive skills at being a friend to the boy that Malcom had left with him to be taken on that big cock. And what happened? They became friends. And who stood in the same room and watched as Duncan checked the ass that he’d just plowed hard? His supportive boyfriend.

  Malcom felt poor.

  He tried not to watch or call upon attention. But washing his own ass made him wince.

  “You look so proud of the cock you made,” Duncan said.

  Malcom glanced at him. “Your sponsor’s happy, and he’s the one who wanted it.” A thought occurred to him. “Did he leave?”

  Duncan looked like that thought hadn’t even crossed his mind. He looked at Tiny. “How many did you guys…”

  “Take prisoner? About fourteen.”

  “I need to see them. The guy who bought me might be among them. And if he is, I’m definitely introducing him to this monster of a cock while unrestrained.” Duncan slapped a hand across his face. “Why do I need that?” He growled, then looked at Axel as if he’d just admitted to adultery.

  The boyfriend, in turn, looked at Malcom. “What does the serum alter in him? This isn’t him.”

  “It brings out an extreme. It even alters certain chemicals in the brain. You know those sudden impulses we sometimes get? There’s a chemical to counter that to make sure we don’t follow those, hey, what would happen if I tried driving into that tree. This one reduces it when the matter is sexual. During withdrawal, there’s no filter at all. Outside that, there is, but it’s not working optimally.”

  “What would you be if we injected you?”

  Damn, the boyfriend looked like that would be the next order of business.

  “I don’t know,” Malcom answered truthfully. “And yes, I’ve wondered.”

  “Doesn’t matter, he’ll be my cunt from now on.” Duncan turned to face him. Being the slave had taken nothing from the man, and Malcom feared what freedom would give him. Especially since that freedom put Malcom as the slave. Again.

  God, he hoped the man stayed moral. Nothing else could have made him take Tim so close to heart, though. It was the boy’s need and the horrible things Duncan had been made to do to him that forged that bond. Malcom was shit-out-of-luck.

  But there was a slight chance he wasn’t. He had to play his cards right, though.

  No. He had to avoid playing at all. He had to give in to Duncan one hundred percent.

  And what did Malcom think the serum would do to him? He’d be a submissive to a stronger person. He didn’t even doubt that.

  Duncan and Tim finished their shower, so Malcom hurried up rinsing the soap from his hair and body.

  “Should we keep him naked?” Tiny asked.

  “No. I’ll get to that cunt when I want no matter how many clothes he wears,” Duncan said. Was it Malcom’s dignity he’d let him keep? “But bring him. He needs to tell us who’s who.” Duncan looked at Malcom. “And where would I find more clothes for us?”

  “You might fit some of mine. If wearing those isn’t beneath you, that is.”

  “They’re clothes. I don’t care. It’s better than that fucking harness.”

  “To the left then.”

  Tiny threw a towel in Malcom’s face, and he rubbed down quickly, seeing as the others were getting done. With the huge Tiny breathing down his neck, Malcom led the way to his room. It was an old office that had been converted, and it held very few possessions other than clothes and knickknacks.

  “How much money did you make off of this place?” Axel asked, picking up a card from the bedside table. “Uncle Mal.”

  “Last I checked, thirty-six million and change. This year.”

  “It’s August. More than four million a month? And you have about as much stuff as a college student in a shared dorm room.”

  Malcom looked around the sparsely decorated room. A single bed, a desk, a chair, a dresser, a closet, an overstuffed bookcase, and a hamper. “Yeah.”

  “You have a mansion somewhere?” the boyfriend persisted.

  “I have something far better. I’d like to show you.”

  Axel didn’t look like he thought he’d be interested.

  Duncan apparently didn’t care about that part of the conversation. He threw the closet doors wide open and looked at seven dress shirts, seven pairs of pants, a bunch of t-shirts, cardigans, and three pullovers.

  “Bottom shelf might hold something to fit you.”

  Duncan pulled everything from it and tossed it on the bed. Jogging pants. He pulled on a pair. They fit snugly around his powerful thighs and ass. Not to mention the fabric strained over his cock, looking like he was trying to sneak out a loaf of bread in his pants. The t-shirt he pulled on didn’t fare much better over his muscular torso. “Get dressed.”

  Malcom did, then put the rest of the clothes back in their place. He then followed out the door where he stayed behind to see where Tiny led them.

  The holding area for the gladiators.

  “Did you guys take their needs for a fight under withdrawal into consideration?”

  Tiny stopped and looked at him. “We did. After they almost smashed themselves to pulps trying to get through the walls to each other, we went in tag team style and beat them up. Fun times! We take turns waiting for the next time they do it.”

  Fun times? The guy looked pissed. Malcom couldn’t blame him. He’d never enjoyed that part of the project. It was money, and that was it.

  “The others are in here.” A Seal joined them from his place at a small table with a pot of coffee and a tattered book that looked familiar. He unlocked a door.

  Tiny put his hand on Malcom’s neck, tightening his grip just enough to convey a silent threat.

  “My three subjects might attack if they sense I’m threatened,” Malcom warned.

  “Don’t try anything. I’m armed, and what happens will be on you.”

  “Oh, I’ll cooperate in there.”

  Duncan looked at him. “You vex me,” he said, the sarcasm so evident.

  “Good,” Malcom said. He then went through the door, the three subjects getting up. “Stand down.”

  They sat.

  “What’s going on?” GPH demanded, stepping up like him and his money had weight.

  “We got caught,” Malcom said matter-of-factly. “You might be enjoying that big cock more than you’d intended.”

  “Too bad I’m just out of withdrawals, huh?” Duncan growled.

  “Do you know who I am?” GPH demanded.

  “Poor. Oh, wait, give me five minutes. Full name?” Axel opened his laptop on his arm and looked at Malcom.

  “Gerald Paul Hamilton, Texas,” Malcom said. “I have his file in my office. Social security number, address, next of kin, bank account numbers, and whatever filth I could dig up on my own.” GPH glared at Malcom. “What? You thought I’d leave your greed and horniness as a wild card?”

  “You have no right!” the sponsor shouted.

  “What? Something matching your own wasn’t enough?” Duncan asked Malcom.

  Well, of course he’d think that. “You haven’t seen my mansion yet.”

  “Majority shareholder,” Axel said, clacking away. “A mansion, a ranch, six thoroughbreds, a collection of eighties sci-fi props, that’s actually pretty classy, and two kids age seventeen and nineteen. And your wife died three years ago.”

  “And you’re my new favorite fuck toy,” Duncan added.

  Malcom liked the sound of that as his ass would then feel less raw. Hopefully.